Pastor Maxwell George, is from New Delhi, India. He is from IT background. After receiving Christ as personal savior he committed his life and decisions to serve Christ. His deep interest in learning the word has led him to accomplish his theological training. After which he served as national faculty and Bible teacher to train, untrained pastors and leaders in several states and cities of India. The learning for him never ends and he completed his double Masters in Religious Education and theology from Cornerstone University, Michigan.
He was burdened to establish churches and give sound doctrinal base to Hindi congregation and this led to planting of churches in Northern India which are registered under the banner of Urban Life Fellowship.
With a passion to serve Christ in teaching and preaching Pastor Maxwell planted a Hindi congregation in New York. He along with his wife Della and two children serve Christ. The ministry now continues in Queens and Brooklyn. He desires to equip the church with sound biblical understanding of His word and advocates Baptist faith and doctrine in the functioning of the church.