Our Purpose
The purpose of Metropolitan Baptist Church is to create a passionate pursuit of God’s glory that leads to active worship, profound fellowship, hungering discipleship, purposeful ministry, and the enthusiastic spreading of the Good News.
Identity: Metropolitan Baptist Church
As an urban church, MBC is metropolitan in outlook, understanding that God has placed this church in a cosmopolitan area to meet the needs of the city through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As Baptists, we hold to the belief of the priesthood of each believer, with the right to enter directly into God’s presence without a need for a priest, that baptism by immersion as a believer identifies one as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and that the local church determines its policies and programs answerable to God alone. As a Church, MBC joins with all the true Christians since the time of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension until now in proclaiming Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God.
Intention: To create a passionate pursuit of God’s glory
The whole purpose of the Scriptures and of the Church is to recognize and reveal the glory of God. MBC centers its ministries on proclaiming God’s glory so that those who participate seek to pursue an understanding of God’s supremacy and become passionate for God’s glory.
Impact: Jesus Christ affects every aspect of our lives transformatively by incarnation:
Pursuing the glory of God is not an intellectual exercise but a dynamic activity that brings forth new life and desires within the disciple. Discipleship produces results. Christians are not saved to simply dust pews as they slide in and out on a Sunday morning. Our faith in Jesus Christ affects every aspect of our lives transformatively.
• Active Worship: The whole of the Christian life flows out of the restored relationship with the One and Only God, so that worship becomes a 24/7 activity, not a Sunday morning ritual.
• Profound Fellowship: Faith in Jesus Christ brings each believer into a renewed fellowship with God that results in a loving commitment to God’s family in His Church.
• Hungering Discipleship: A disciple is more than a person who claims to believe. Discipleship is a wholehearted desire to learn from and be like the Master. A fully dedicated disciple eagerly hungers to know all that is possible in order to imitate the Lord Jesus Christ.
• Purposeful Ministry: Rather than have church members fill slots on church boards and ministries, MBC seeks to help individuals discover how God wants them to serve Him.
• Enthusiastic Spreading of the Good News: Through short-term and long term mission support, planting ethnic congregations, and finding creative means to share the message of life through Jesus Christ, MBC wants God’s glory to cover the community and the world.
One can gain a deeper understanding of this purpose statement through participating in our Christian Life and Service Seminars (CLASS) 101 thru 501.